The public is invited to the NMHC Archives & Records Team pop-up historic record Digital Preservation Lab between 10 am and 3 pm held at various locations on Saipan, Tinian, and Luta. Council staff and volunteers guide community members through the process of using a variety of tools and technology to digitize their own historic content including photographs, documents, and artifacts to be uploaded to the NMHC Digital Archives and made accessible to the public.

Technology to record oral histories and narratives relevant to each participant’s digitized content will also be available.

The Digital Archive will be available to the public upon its announcement during Humanities Month, October 2024. The first pop-up digital preservation lab will be held on Saipan on Saturday, October 19th, at the Northern Marianas Humanities Council office at Springs Plaza, next to Bank of Hawaii on Middle Road.

Interested participants are encourage to sign up for half-hour appointments between 10 am and 3 pm by calling the Council office or e-mailing with contact information.

Volunteers should have experience using basic digitization equipment such as flat-bed scanners and digital cameras. Volunteers should also be familiar with various file types such as PDFs, JPEGs, TIFFs, mp3s and mp4s.

You should be comfortable communicating and working with people of all generations and varying levels of English language skills. We encourage those able to communicate in the various languages of the Marianas population as well as English.

Volunteers must be available for a three-hour training and, if qualified, able to travel to Luta for a pop-up lab on December 14th, 2024 and to Tinian on February 15th, 2025. Travel expenses will be covered by the Northern Marianas Humanities Council.