The Governor’s Humanities Awards is an annual program sponsored by the Northern Marianas Humanities Council in conjunction with the Office of the Governor that recognizes outstanding contributions to the humanities by individuals and organizations in our community.

Award Categories:

  • Research and Publication in the Humanities: Nominees under this category are recognized for original scholarly research in one or more of the humanities fields that resulted in a manuscript or in the publication of a book or article. Research and publication topics must relate directly to the Northern Mariana Islands or to the greater Pacific region.
  • Outstanding Humanities Teacher: Nominees under this category are recognized for significant contributions to humanities instruction. Nominees may be classroom teachers (K-college) or individuals involved in humanities instruction outside of the formal classroom setting.
  • Preservation of Traditional Cultural Practices: Nominees under this category are recognized for a significant contribution to preserving traditional cultural practices relating to such topics as language, subsistence, medicine, law, kinship, religion, construction and transportation, among other.
  • Preservation of CNMI History: Nominees under this category are recognized for significant contributions to preserving history relating to the Northern Mariana Islands. Such contributions may take the form of film and video projects, recording oral histories, and other projects that record and examine important aspects of local history.
  • Lifetime Achievement in the Humanities: This is the Council’s most prestigious award. Nominees in this category are recognized for significant contributions in one or more fields of humanities over the course of multiple decades typically three or more. This award may be presented posthumously.

Nominate someone for an award in 2024 by completing the Nomination Form by September 23rd, 2024.

2023 Governor’s Humanities Awardees

Donald B. Mendiola
Lifetime Achievement In The Humanities
Milton F. Coleman, Jr.
Preservation Of Traditional Cultural Practices
Deborah A. Fleming
Preservation Of CNMI History
Ajani S. Burrell
Research And Publications In The Humanities
Carmen S. Taimañao
Outstanding Humanities Teacher
( In A Non-Classroom Setting)
William J. Fife, III
Outstanding Humanities Teacher
( In A Classroom Setting)

See 2023 Program Booklet here.

Frances Manibusan Sablan
Lifetime Achievement In The Humanities
Mario Benito
Preservation Of Traditional Cultural Practices
Sofina Quitugua Tomokane
Preservation Of Traditional Cultural Practices
Beylul Solomon
Research And Publications In The Humanities
April Quiambao Repeki
Outstanding Humanities Teacher
( In A Non-Classroom Setting)
Gloria Saralu Rasiang
Outstanding Humanities Teacher
( In A Classroom Setting)

See 2022 Program Booklet here.

2021 Governor’s Humanities Awardees

Antonio U. Piailug
Preservation of Traditional Cultural Practices
Dr. Sylvia C. Frain
Research and Publications in the Humanities
Walt F.J. Goodridge
Research and Publications in the Humanities; Preservation of CNMI History; and Outstanding Humanities Teacher
Catherine R. Perry
Preservation of CNMI History
Denton- Joe O. Pangelinan
Preservation of CNMI History

See 2021 Program Booklet here.