Invest in the Humanities!
The Northern Marianas Humanities Council is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to enrich the lives of the indigenous and diverse peoples of the Marianas through research, dialogue, programs, and publications. We are raising funds to sustain our operations and programs into the future by establishing a $1 million endowment by 2031. We ask that you consider making a financial donation in support of this goal. As an added benefit, CNMI taxpayers who donate to the Council are eligible to secure up to $5,000 in Education Tax Credits per year! Thank you, si Yu’os ma’åsi’, ataihenehi nihatihan, and ghilisow for your support.

General Fund
A gift to the Northern Marianas Humanities Council provides critical resources for the Council to pursue its mission. Your contribution to the General Fund supports operational needs and local matching funds for projects.

Endowment Fund
A gift to the Northern Marianas Humanities Council’s Endowment Fund is an investment in future programs and the financial sustainability of our organization. A cash donation of at least $2,500 provides individuals and businesses with an opportunity to become a part of a legacy of growing a $1 million endowment for the Humanities in the Northern Mariana Islands by 2031.

A gift to the Northern Marianas Humanities Council’s programs will ensure that your donation supports activities that align with one or more of our strategic goals:
- Preserve Chamorro and Carolinian languages and cultures
- Improve English language literacy
- Increase publications, scholarship, and capacity-building in the Humanities
- Promote the diversity of experiences and perspectives in the Northern Mariana Islands
Donations of up to $5,000 per year are eligible for an Educational Tax Credit. Send us an e-mail at for more details.